Behind Closed Doors

Wstock-photo-gold-handle-and-wooden-door-close-up-235266400e never know what people go through behind closed doors. Those private struggles. Not private because they don’t want anyone to know about what’s going on. It’s private because no one has the ability to open the closed door, except God. You’ve endured. You’ve prayed. You’ve believed. Yet it seems bolts were placed on the door, and you couldn’t get out. It seemed as if it would never be opened, so that you could come out and live again.

Always pressing forward with hope. Until finally! What was going on behind the door is now over. You no longer reflect on how long you were behind the closed door. Instead, you rejoice in the fact that the door was not sealed shut. You rejoice that God as opened the door, and you are no longer held prisoner behind it. You have gone through the door, you have conquered the door, and God has closed the door behind you.

No longer are you behind the door, but the door is now behind you. God has re-postured you. What had you boxed in, God used to bring you out! Be encouraged!

~Natasha S. Rockmore


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